Michael Morgan helps us change our minds about ageing. Michael Morgan is a leader in the neurophysiology of transformation-using mind body processes to change the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical states of an individual to attain a state of inner being and growth.
Join Michael Morgan on episode #106 of the Thriving Minds podcast. Michael Morgan discusses how to change our minds about ageing.
The words of Einstein stir our hearts, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result’ He has worked towards working out different ways to grow older in life and navigate debilitating conditions.
Thinking about how to change our mind about ageing we can reframe this using different questions. Can we turn back the clock on the aging process? Can research on longevity help us combat the ‘diseases of aging'?
Is it possible to live a better quality of life now and in the future?

We examine these and other questions with Michael Morgan, hosting the Longevity World Summit on November 9-13th on-line. The summit features 30+ experts and world class leaders bring a bring a variety of points of view on Longevity-what are the determinants of aging, how is aging accelerated or slowed, and what are the ramifications for all of us in the future. Michael Morgan LMT, CST-D is a leader in the neurophysiology of transformation-using mind body processes to change the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical states of an individual to attain a state of inner being and growth toward enlightenment.
He has been an instructor of CranioSacral Therapy for the Upledger Institute for over 12 years, and been involved in mind body work over two decades. He has taught this technique extensively in the US and Internationally over this period of time.
Most recently, he has pioneered and coordinated research in the application of Craniosacral Therapy to Dementia and Alzeimer’s disease, and was instrumental in publishing research in the American Journal of Gerertolocical Nursing, as well as ongoing research in this area. He is developing two classes for therapists and laypersons entitled CranioSacral Therapy and Longevity- applications for the treatment of Dementia and Alzheimer’s and CranioSacral Therapy and Longevity- Reversal of the Aging Process-for advanced practioners of CranioSacral Therapy (CST).
In addition, Michael has worked in the area of Pediatrics and Child development, supporting children and parents with Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and related dysfunctions. He has also been instrumental in pioneering regional programs where a number of therapists (multihands therapy) come together for 3-5 days to treat patients in an intensive program format.
Michael earned a BA degree in Physics and Philosophy from UC Berkeley and an MA degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Maharishi International University in Fairfield Iowa. He has studied extensively with the Upledger Institute over the past 20 years in the application of CST in a variety of settings. His vision is to apply a lifetime of knowledge in support of causing individual, economic, social, and global change.
Learn about Michael Morgan here:
Learn about the Longevity Summit here: https://longevityworldsummit.com/join/free/